Monday, March 19, 2012

Green Melon Cocktail.

Made with Midori melon liquer.
1oz Midori
1oz Malibu Rum
1/2oz Cream of coconut
1/2oz fresh Lime Juice
1 1/2oz Pineapple Juice

Pour ingredients over ice into a glass and stir gently. Garnish with a pineapple wedge, if you would like..


  1. If I didn't already have a tropical vacation on my mind, this drink would definitely put one there. Sounds delish!!! And I don't even like rum!!

  2. I love the taste of.. coconut, lime and pineapple,. So I knew it would be good.

  3. I love coconut anything!!! Do you know the part in IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE when the little girl Mary says, "I don't like coconut" and little boy George says, "What do you mean you don't like coconut?"

    That is how I feel. When someone tells me they don't like coconut, I wonder what on earth there is not to like. I love it!!

    Add pineapple, lime juice, and that melon liquer, and wow, I could be in alot of trouble!!

  4. A few months ago, my husband and I built a bar in our greatroom/kitchen. It turned out really nice. I'm having a blast finding new cocktail recipes, to try out.. :D
